Welcome to

Cowboy Church of Virginia    



   A nation             A nation             A nation   
   under God           of freedom          of honor 


God gave us the call in 2004.

According to Wilkopedia, CCofVa. is the longest "consecutive running" Cowboy Church ministry in America

20 years / 2 decades of ministry !

God now leads us into decade #3 !


What is Cowboy Church?


Contact Cowboy Church: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or write to us at P.O. Box 6562, Roanoke, Va. 24017


We're glad you came by to graze a while.

Our brand is easy to spot:

"A place where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord" TM.


Our vision is the 3 C's


The 3 C's


Based on Acts 26:18   "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they might receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."

Cowboy Church of Virginia began with just one church and the Lord has developed that simple start into a national non denominational ministry. CC is designed to allow rodeo participants, farmers, ranchers, and just plain country folks, a place to worship. Our services are currently heard in 47 countries around the world via podcast on the internet. Some 60% of our viewing audience is found in Russia! Our first telecast was in December of 2009.

As of December 2015 there are 25 cowboy churches in the state of Virginia. The Lord has allowed us the joy of planting 10 of these and assisting in the planting of 3 others.

Many people today are tired of "church as usual", and are hungry for a fresh move of God.

Since 2005, (we finally lost count) #'s of people have come to know Jesus as their Savior through this ministry. In addition to those saved, God continues to bring healing and other provision to many folks. We invite you to view "The Power of Prayer" link to see what God is doing in the lives of many folks just like you.

There is a chuckwagon meal ahead of every service at each church location. Our services are filled with Biblical preaching and Spirit lead anointed worship.

We do not collect offerings, or pass a plate, at Cowboy Church. Those who desire to support this ministry can find the information on how to do so in one of our brochures.

If you desire to contact Cowboy Church please go to our contact link and click on the name of who you desire to contact.

Check out our link "Virginia CC History" to learn more of the history of what God has done here in Virginia. Many folk serving today in cowboy churches across this state have their roots from this ministry.

God bless you. We will see you at CC!


Ya'll come back,  ya hear?   

CCofVa. ©  2005-2024